So what?

This is my blog where I showcase my handmade resin jewelry pieces and offer information and tips on great ways to work with resin. Please feel free to email me if you have questions!

Why Resin Chica? My absolute favorite material to work with is Resin because it is beautifully transparent, gets fussy when not taken good care of, particular, can be molded and changed to adapt, and will stubbornly stay put until it gets it's way. Only certain people can work well with Resin. I am Resin Chica. (Yes I am also Free2bMommy) Resin Chica is my Sasha Fierce!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

its shiney! Mold trays!

What do you use to create the shapes and designs of the funky resin pieces?


I began by using the standard mold trays that you can buy at any craft store. They are made by Castin Craft and are super easy to use.

Intructions- make sure to protect work area with wax paper (or similar paper).

  • Spray with MOLD RELEASE
  • Place mold tray on level surface.
  • Fill mold cavities just below top.
  • Place tray in sturdy spot where it will not be moved or jerked.
  • Place cover over tray to prevent dust and/or particles from getting in mold (tupperware upside down- my preference)
  • Once pieces are cured (I like to wait 24 hours), turn tray over and press center area of each piece to release, flex if necessary.
****RESIN CHICA TIP: Place in freezer for a couple of minutes to help with pieces that may be "stuck".****

Although these are easy to use, they do not allow for much creativity, but are a GREAT beginners tool.

Happy Molding - Resin Chica

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